81-Year-Old Man Named World's Oldest Fitness Instructor

Tim Winnick of Austin, Texas received his personal training certification from the National Academy of Sports Medicine when he was 73. The now 81-year-old teaches classes at his local Gold’s Gym and loves what he does—and now, he’s receiving global recognition for his work. 

Guinness World Records just confirmed Winnick is the world’s oldest fitness instructor, a title that previously belonged to 65-year-old California woman Wendy Ida. Winnick got his job at Gold’s Gym after being rejected by two other gyms. He told Guinness it gave him a sense of purpose after the death of his wife. 

Winnick teaches both individual and group sessions at the gym, with most of his clients being over the age of 50. His oldest client that he works with is 95. He didn’t take his health that seriously until later in life, and he admitted the fitness level of baby boomers is “not real good.” Getting to help people in his age cohort, then, has been fulfilling for him both physically and professionally. 

“I wanted to do something that I could feel like I’m making a contribution to somebody,” he said. The fact that he’s in such great shape at 81 baffles people he interacts with. “Here I am this old and people can’t believe I’m not on something,” he said.

Ultimately, Winnick is grateful to be doing what he does. 

“We’ve been gifted with a body that you can’t ever figure out. It’s a miracle that we’re sitting here doing this kind of stuff—our bodies are miraculous. So, I want to learn as much as I can,” he said. “I’m healthy [and] I’m hopeful I can do this for a while longer. I’m not going to stop just because I’m old.”

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