Why Would Any Sane Person Take Up Running?

In writing and illustrating my new book, I Hate Running and You Can Too, I wanted to tackle lots of the whys and hows of distance running, for both longtime runners and those who are curious about doing their first 5K. The book is not so much about specific training plans or what shoes to wear; rather, it explains why any sane person would, in the 21st century, run any farther than they needed to catch a bus. I use more than 65 illustrations to make sense of things like procrastination, setbacks, discomfort, and comparing ourselves to other runners, as well as to provide perspective on a hobby that seems weird to others and, plenty of times, to those of us who run, too. 

The following illustrations all appear in the book, which is available for preorder now and ships March 16. 

From Chapter 13: “Loving Something Is Different than Liking It” 

"I should probably go for a run today" timeline

From Chapter 4: “Compete (Against Yourself)”

You vs. You, if you had skipped this run vs. you, six months ago vs. you, when you were a person who never could have imagined running this far

From Chapter 9: “Progress Is Not a Straight Line” 

A plan, ideally

A plan, actually

From Chapter 7: “Inspiration Is Not a Strategy”

Inspiration: "The First Day" vs. "The Rest of the Days"

From Chapter 8: “Write Your Own Definition of Success” 

People who get to decide what the point of all your running is: you

From Chapter 11: “There Are No ‘Hacks’” 

The zen of running: Put in the miles so you can put in the miles so you can...

Brendan Leonard’s new book, I Hate Running and You Can Too: How to Get Started, Keep Going, and Make Sense of an Irrational Passion, is available for preorder now.

Lead Illustration: Brendan Leonard

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