The 4 Pillars That Create An Unbelievable & Unbreakable Life

EDUCATION… BELIEF… EFFORT and DISCIPLINE. The 4 pillars which hold up an unbreakable, unbelievable, unshakable LIFE.

If you live by this rule there is NOTHING you can not create.
There’s NOTHING you can’t have.
There’s NO dream too big.
There’s NO CHALLENGE too large.
There’s NO PERSON, no group of people that can stop you.
There are NO LIMITS.


There’s a reason why Jim Rohn once said “Formal education will make you a LIVING… but SELF-EDUCATION will make you a FORTUNE”
If you want to ‘get by’ or ‘make a living’ – or have an ‘average life’… your education will finish the day you finish school.
If you want MORE from life – you will NEVER STOP educating yourself.
Warren Buffett said “The more you LEARN… the more you EARN”
That’s true… but it’s much more than that. The more you LEARN and DIRECT YOUR FOCUS on the things you want in your life – the greater the chances you WILL GET what you want in your life.
Educate yourself on everything that matters to you. Everything you want to IMPROVE in your life. LEARN HOW and TAKE ACTION.
Arm yourself with the knowledge needed to defeat any challenge so when that challenge APPEARS you will have NO FEAR.

If you don’t believe in you – Don’t expect anyone else to.
If you don’t believe in you… don’t expect great results to come through you.
BELIEF is one of the 4 pillars of success because without SELF-BELIEF action is useless.
Without SELF-BELIEF your action will be self- sabotaging.
If you BELIEVE you will fail, you will subconsciously try to prove yourself right.
Look for reasons WHY YOU SHOULD believe in yourself.
Bank every WIN you’ve ever had in your life.
PRAISE yourself for all your qualities. Your character. Your spirit.
Know, that even if you haven’t succeeded yet: YOU ARE CAPABLE. YOU DO DESERVE IT. And if you’re willing to work for it: YOU WILL GET IT.

Believe this Universe has your back. BELIEVE you are DESTINED TO WIN.
BELIEVE it is only a matter of time before YOU DO WIN… and it will be… only a matter of time.

You can call it EFFORT. You can call it ACTION. You can call it the spirit of NEVER GIVING UP….
You can call it TRYING EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING until you succeed.
You can call it whatever you want – but this isn’t the normal, average person kind of effort. This is the effort of the 1%. The “ABOVE AND BEYOND” mentality.
This is the guy or girl that is asked to do 10 push ups, so they do 15 – because they want GREATER RESULTS.
This is the person that does overtime without reward for years… but does it anyway.
This is the person that gets up TIME after TIME when there seems to be no reason to get up.
This is the person that puts in 80 hour weeks for years despite no results.
This is the person that gives that little extra in their relationship… even when they are tired.
This is when you don’t feel like it – BUT DO IT ANYWAY.
Whatever you are missing in talent you can make up for with EFFORT.
This is the mentality of success and the 3rd pillar of a great life.

Discipline is the little word that leads to a big life.

Think of any area in your life that needs improving. I can guarantee… you are lacking discipline in that area.

Most people lack discipline in their diet.
Most people lack discipline in their consistent effort… in working out… in applying action toward their goals.
Most people lack discipline when it comes to saying NO to things they KNOW they should be saying NO to more often.
Drinking. Partying. Overeating.

The word NO is used by the strong. The strong don’t fear being left out.

The disciplined say NO when they need to SAY NO.
Develop a disciplined life and you will have whatever you desire in a short space of time.
Set those clear targets – all the things you must have in your life. Give yourself a deadline… Educate yourself on EVERYTHING you need to do to make it happen…
Be prepared to put in the EFFORT required…. LEARN TO SAY NO when you need to and BELIEVE it will happen!
BELIEVE you are capable.

Build these pillars for your life. If you do, you will never break. Nothing can shake these foundations if they are always strong.

They remain strong with work. Make this a lifestyle.

NOTHING is off limits.

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