Video: Shark Sneaks Up on Crocodile Eating Turtle

Australians are often well-acquainted with the threat of sharks or crocodiles coming close to humans, but it’s a rare sight to see the two superpredators together out in the wild. New video out of Australia shows what happens when a shark catches a croc in the middle of a meal. 

In the clip, a massive crocodile is feasting on a sea turtle off Dundee Beach in Australia’s Northern Territory. At first, nothing seems out of the ordinary, until you spot the shark watching the whole thing happen just inches from the action. The marine predator sits underneath the surface about a foot from the tip of the crocodile’s swaying tail. 

The video was captured by Auswide Explorers, a family of four who travel the continent in their RV. In the post’s caption, they acknowledged that it “can’t get more Australian” than seeing a shark stalking a crocodile that’s eating a turtle. “A good reminder not to go swimming at the beach in the Northern Territory,” they noted. 

The waters off the Northern Territory border the Great Barrier Reef, which stretches across the coast of Queensland in northeast Australia. While the area doesn’t boast as much biodiversity as the world’s largest coral reef system, clearly you can find a wide array of animals in the ocean, sometimes interacting with each other—whether they like it or not. 

Just be extra careful whenever you get in the water. Jaws may have been filmed in Martha’s Vineyard, but it’s often an everyday reality for Australian beachgoers

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